If you didn't catch from the title our show didn't go well (for many a reason). Our first Showmanship class Friday was 18-34 and once again an easy pattern. Trot from cone A to Cone B halt preform a 450 degree turn. Walk to the judge, det up for inspection, preform a 270 and walk away. So we TOTALLY messed up our first class/pattern. We were first in order to go and his trot off and halt was nice but he stepped out of his pivot and took at least 30 seconds to swuare up!! (my fault) and then did his 270 okish. So we ended up with 3rd out of 4 in that class. The we had 10 people in Open so I really wanted to nail our pattern. I worked on his pivot outside of the ring. He steped out again and I gave him a smack on the shoulder and seemed to wake up and remember we were showing. Everything was pretty much perfect. We had a 2 second square up and he slightly stepped out of his pivot but over all way better. We ended up as Second out of ten!!!! HAHA Reserve Showmanship Open Champion! I'll take it! Saterday I had no events to show is so I rode around the show grounds with my new friend Lyssette and her horse Carlos. Then spent four ours braiding D for Sunday. I had a lot of help from my new friends David and Preston (but that's another story). Then Sunday rolls around and I got out to warm up and D was a little sucked back over the jumps but after some warming up he was doing good. I leave the warm-up ring to start the show and they raise the jumps. So I know I'm in trouble because D's probably going to look at every single one and behold he pretty much did. I was so mad, I've officially decided that from now on I am wearing spurs when we jump :D that simple. This is how we did:
2'6" Open Hunters 2nd out of 3
2'6" Eq over fences 3rd otu of 3 (our worst class, I sucked)
2'6" Jumpers Pity
3rd out of 3 (went off course >.<)
2'6" Hunter Hack 3rd out of 4 (shocked we even got that)
So I'm pretty much screwed but I had also signed up for the w/t championship as well so I figured I would sick around for that :P. I go back to the stall to change from my saffle bit to my kimberwick and find that it's missing?!?! Our neighbors hadn't been very neighborly all weekend. They filled up my friends muck bucket without bumping it out and had moved our hose around without our permission, normally we don't mine these things if you just ask us first. So I worked with D on dropping his head with the D-ring snaffle and he was actually a VERY good boy I was so proud of him. Our judge was a little screwy on the flat placings though. Here is how we did:
w/t Open Pleasure:
5th out of 10 (kool! not bad for D)
English Pleasure Open: 5th out of 8 (again very cool)
w/t Open Eq:
5th out of 10 (ok not complaining)
English Open Eq: 5th out of 8 (Here is where I got upset because we were asked to drop out iorns and the woman who got first only dropped er inside iorn and the second place rider would drop his stirrups only when he was in front of the judge?! I don't think I should get first or anything but I was thinking 3rd!)
English Open HUS: 7th out of 10 (pretty much what I expected lol.)
English Open Bridle Path Hack:
8th out of 8 (total BS run because the woman who got first almost fell off her horse mounting up and he spooked at the mounting block??)
So we ended up getting 3rd out of 3 for allaround but I honestly don't like how they did state this year. They advertised that state Champions would win a trophie saddle and at the show annouced that only flat champions would have a shot at winning a saddle(thanx for the heads up). Then they ran out of saddles so I think there was one or two people who only got a buckle? THEN instead of seperating the flat and overall champions they made it to where if you entered allround you also entered the flat so whoever got champion and reserve allround won the flat as well which was also reall BS. So I am not sure if I will be back next year, I would like to come because I've been told it's going to be a rancho murietta(SP) and THAT would be a fun place to show at. I'm also planning on doing Gold N Grand next year if I can save up the money so we shall see. There is another show at the end of this month I was thinking about going too put I wont have the money (I bet) so I am just thinking of calling it a season and just relaxing till Januaryish because I haven't won the NCAA buckle before and I would like to win that before I write off a couple of shows around here.