Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Results of the First show of 2011

To start off I was really bummed that my friend couldn't make it with her POA rebel (ended up getting snowed in). Then my friends horse would not load into the trailer to come over to my place the night before the show so we got up extra early and about 20minutes after arriving there we got her mare into the trailer. Oh how I love mares >.< Overall D was very good at the show. He got a little jiggy and hyper in the warm-up ring but after some walk-trot transitions he settled down and got to work. Overall honestly not that great of a show but that is slightly part of why I wanted to attempt this series. Every year we have done it we never seem to high point even though we get the same judges and usually the same people as every other show?! lol Ok I will have to hunt photos down later from the day (I think I have a video or two as well) but here are the placings: (placing 1st-6th)

SMS open: 5th out of 8
SMS ammy: 5th out of 8
English Pleasure Open w/t no place out of 8
English Pleasure Open 6th out of 8
English Equitation Open 4th out of 9
Country pleasure Open 2nd out of 10

I didn't mind all that much that they didn't give out ribbons because I was going to get this pretty neat looking copper horse photo off the prize table with my california cash but mom convinced me to keep it for the Feb show which I am not even sure I am interested in attending since we did so poorly at this show, everyone who placed in the top 2-3 would have to be no-shows for us to have a shot. No to mention that I am TIGHT on $$ right now so I am thinking of ditching the rest of the series. I will however say that if I had the extra cash I would go out there and compete reguardless of if I win or not lol. I am also thinking I probably won't show D anymore after this series, he has gotten so ring savvy that we spend a lot more time arguing in the ring than anything else. So the next question will be do I try to find an instructor I can take lessons from to keep in riding shape (on the side from riding D) that will also let me show their horse(s) or do I find a friend that has a couple of horses they are interested in showing but might not have the time to show all at once? We shall see...

1 comment:

  1. I think you should get an instructor. It will help your riding having that critique time. :) Most instructors have horses that you can show, and are more than happy to do that. Of course it cost some $$ but if you want to further your riding and ability to win you should defi consider a trainer :)

    And you know at the shows you can always use my trainer :)
